Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment Activities

Awareness about Elimination of Violence against Women

India is one of the countries which suffer from violence against the women especially in rural areas. Hence there is a need for knowledge transfer to women regarding legal support framework available to them. SAND trust as institution focusing on women enlightenment entitled with various program tospread awareness on women.

The program was initiated by the welcome address by Ms.Kakkammal and she also facilitated the introduction of the guests, and the various participants in the training program. Followed by the introduction about the session was done by Ms.Helen, she gave a brief introduction about the importance of the session and a glimpse of the violence against women and the key facts that happened recently.

Then the session was taken by the trainer Ms.Sivasankari, she starts with an ice breaker and she gave an overview about the key components of the basics of Human Rights and omen Rights.

Further the forum was opened to discuss about the various aspects of violence against the women in specific to different areas such as,

  • At household level
  • At public level
  • At their work places.

At the end of the training program all the women has taken the pledge to protest on the violence’s against women and enabling gender equality.

Finally the meeting was consolidated by the vote of thanks by Ms.Kakkammal and getting feedback from the participants.

Training program on SHG Bank Linkage and Financial Discipline

SHGs are the backbones of the formalised banking system in rural villages for the past 02 decades. Further, SHGs also brings the practices of Savings, Credits, repayment, and financial discipline among the rural poor women. As a part of it SAND also involved in the process of promotion of SHGs and mainstreaming them towards the government bodies, financial institutions, towards facilitating bank linkages for them.

SHG bank linkage is an important component of SHGs towards sustaining their progression and also viable to address their financial needs from the formal credit system, rather than go with money lenders.

Hence, SAND has organise training program on “SHG bank linkages and financial discipline” for the SHG leaders in various villages. Training program will be facilitated by training coordinator for the participants, and he focuses on major aspects of the SHG Bank linkage and financial discipline as follows,

  • Introduction to SHG Bank Linkage
  • Savings to Loan Ration
  • Grading of SHGs on Bank Linkage
  • Repayment Scheduling
  • Financial Discipline in Repayment
  • Own Fund Vs Loan Fund
  • Rescheduling the Default Loans

The training was ended up with doubt clearing session with the SHG leaders, and the session was highly appreciated by the participants. All the participants were ensured to maintain a financial discipline in bank linkage and repayment, and will get more formal credits for the member needs and requirements.

Awareness on Child Health, Hygienic Practices, and Sex Education

As major part of the parenting lies with women there is a need for intense knowledge to women parents. This helps them to take care of their children and career at the same time and empowered lifestyle.

The program was started with the welcome address by Ms.Kakkammal and inviting the guests and the participants to the training program. Followed by Ms.Helen, Managing Trustee has given an introduction and overview about the training program and also the importance of Child Health and Sex Education in broader perspective.

Followed by Ms.Jeni has taken over the session and gave a summary on the violence’s and harassment faced by girl children in the society. Further, she came out with the daily activity schedule of a girl child in three different aspects such as,

  • School going children
  • Dropout children at home
  • Children at work

This will give a perspective to the women about the various activities the girl children were involve in their day to day life activities, and also various persons they associated with. Since, the society were aware about the importance of education especially with the girl children, most of the girl children were going to school and have spent more time in the school rather than the household.

Further, the session also facilitates towards a brain storming session on evolving opportunities on livelihoods and income generation activities as group among the SHGs and also how to make such group activity as a sustainable and viable business opportunity.

Finally the meeting was consolidated by the vote of thanks by Ms.Kakkammal and getting feedback from the participants.