- Creating safe and proper environment for women’s physical, mental and moral development by developing the skills of the poor women for taking self-decision
- Creating the capacity and leadership qualities among the women to present their position in the society effectively
- Creating awareness among women to be truly ambitious and to dream for betterment. Develop independent identification of women, her position should not be determined by her husband, father, brother etc
- Creating, feeling of self-pride so that they should not feel week, helpless, powerless, comparatively to their men counterpart
- Increase awareness in women for their overall development, to use their latent talent optimally not only for themselves, but also for the society as a whole.
- Create sound and proper environment for women’s pride, prestige and healthy physical and mental development, and make efforts in organizing the women for fighting against the problems and difficulties related to them.
Empowerment of the Marginal Community
- Creating awareness among the marginal community about their basic civil liberties, constitutional privileges to make them common among the society
- Enabling them towards attaining their various entitlement provisions through the government scheme
- Organising Legal awareness programs and workshops to enable and empower them towards understanding the various aspects of their privileges
- Ensure their active participation in the governance system by empowering them about the panchayat raj system and the roles of different people functionaries
- Awareness among the importance of voting and enable to them to actively participate in the democratic process of election
- Supporting them interms of attaining equal and quality education to their children, health care, employment, livelihood